Monday, January 25, 2010

Cartoon Cop

The announcement over the intercom informed us there would be a senior assembly today. We moaned and groaned expecting to hear about bullying and continuing graduation requirements, but to our surprise we were greeted by cops who were here to talk about enforcing rules for an upcoming citywide event. An officer opened the assembly by saying "If you are caught drinking or vandalizing, you'll be arrested immediately. No warnings this year." The cop was straight out of a cartoon, looked like the scarecrow from The Wizard of Oz and had a voice like a sports announcer. He got a fellow student to roll into a ball and act like a keg of beer and another one to pretend the microphone was a beer can. The assembly ended with our cartoon cop saying "We will be on horses, patrolling the event. Please do not hit the horses butt." I'm not sure the 'drinkers' got the message, but it sure was a laugh and a laugh is always worth my time...but that's High School.

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