Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Brain Dead Week = A

It's been known throughout the years that the week before exams is 'dead week'. I would like to change the name to 'brain dead week' for my 1st thru 7th period class. Watching movies and socializing is apparently taking the place of reviewing for exams. Teachers tell us reviewing is to be done at home. I would prefer a quiet environment, teacher assistance and no movies. My classmates seem to disagree. As you all know, I've been known to stay home and accomplish more on these 'brain dead' days. I suppose my classmates have bets on whether they'll see me the rest of this week or not. The math class is reviewing for our exam, but it's 8th period. The last class of the day. I get up at a ridiculous hour, spend 7 hours a day of my life, watching movies and talking so I can have 1 hour of review in my math class. An 'A' will be worth the sacrifice...but that's High School.

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