Monday, September 14, 2009

Twist of Mystery

A twist of mystery today...We had a lock down which lasted 45 min. Administration would not tell us why. My common thought always takes me to Columbine High School in Colorado. I thought of gun shots and chaos. But other stories, much more creative, lied in the hearts of my fellow classmates. The rumors circling the room, which you are welcome to choose from, are as follows: a freshman girl beat up a senior guy; some guy jumped out a window; a teacher had a meltdown; and the best one yet, a kid "accidentally" fell out of a wheelchair while riding the elevator. Before you cast your vote you should be aware there are no kids in wheelchairs attending our school this year... Do you ever feel cheated by teachers? Because of the lock-in we only had 20 min. in my last class. We were suppose to use the entire class time to answer questions and work on a review. Due to unforseen limited time, the teacher asked us to complete our study tonight on our own. Does this mean the teacher will be available tonight for phone calls to answer questions? Of course not...WHAT'S UP WITH ALL THESE HALF DAYS? The school board has approved a half day every other week for the remainder of the year. Wouldn't it be more productive for all involved to turn these 2/half days/month into 1 full day/month, preferable a Friday or Monday. Think of all the studying we could get done. (smile) ...On a higher note, the plan for the reading is going well. We have selected a backdrop/scenery and the title is coming together. The board voted against my amazing idea of using a street address as a title. Something like 211 Portside Rd. (good isn't it?) I'll have to take this rejection with grace. In order to keep the mystery alive, I'm not going to reveal all. Best I can tell High school Junket every day...That's high school.

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