Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Fire Breathing Madam Librarian and her Castle of Many Books

I had another encounter with Madam Librarian today. The battle continues... Princess Ash is once again making her way to the Castle of Many Books. In order to gain access to this Castle, which is guarded by Madam Librarian, she must possess the magic pass. On her quest to find this magic card, Princess Ash found a willing subject who had the power to provide her with this magic pass. As Princess Ash approached the large glass doors which had a buzzer attached, she entered with confidence. She knew Madam Librarian would have to bow down to her request for entrance. With Madam Librarian breathing fire, Princess Ash gleefully waved her magic card, selected a book and sat deep into a stone bench. I'll get you my pretty, she implied. No more than 2 minutes had passed when Princess Ash was asked to leave yet again. Princess Ash mustered up enough courage to ask "What is your issue with me? Every day I come here with a magic pass, signed by a powerful subject and every day you tell me I cannot be here." Madam Librarian informs her this Castle of Many Books is her territory and only she says whom may enter. Princess Ash spoke again stating "I have done all you have asked of me. I am not any trouble. My educators have written passes for me to be here everyday and still you throw me out. I want to know why?" "I only accept yellow passes" Madam Librarian replies. "The subject which has written this magic card is not permitted to hand you a magic card and the card they did sign states Princess Ash is to study and you are reading."... If you can't even read a book in the library then what the hell is the library for?...Back to the story. Princess Ash left in such a hurry Madam Librarian was chasing after her asking "who are you going to talk to?" "None of your concern" said Princess Ash. Princess Ash took it upon herself to see the King over the entire land. The King (Vice Principal) knows her well and she believes he is the only one that can end this reining terror. After a meeting with the King, Princess Ash was assured she would be able to enter the Castle of Books with no further attacks. The King said "if Madam Librarian has a problem she'll need to take it up with him." He added in a joking manner "you may go to the [Castle of Books] every day as long as you don't put a virus on the computers or plan on bombing the school." Princess Ash assured the King she wouldn't. But, she's not so sure about Madam Librarian...but that's High School.