Thursday, January 28, 2010

Madam Librarian...Friends?

Lately I've been too busy to go to the library, but today I decided to enter the 'Castle of Books'. I was greeted by Madam Librarian, who smiled and said "Hi, how are you? I missed you. I haven't seen you in forever." First I thought she was just being sarcastic, but she came over and gave me a hug. What was that all about? Have we become good friends? She informed me I need a new pass for this semester, but not to worry because she had put one on hold for me. Wow, personal attention and special privileges. Perhaps I should ask her for a cup of coffee and a donut to go with my pass. No, I think I'll request a new ruling which would allow all students access to the 'Castle of Books', pass optional...but that's High School.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Cartoon Cop

The announcement over the intercom informed us there would be a senior assembly today. We moaned and groaned expecting to hear about bullying and continuing graduation requirements, but to our surprise we were greeted by cops who were here to talk about enforcing rules for an upcoming citywide event. An officer opened the assembly by saying "If you are caught drinking or vandalizing, you'll be arrested immediately. No warnings this year." The cop was straight out of a cartoon, looked like the scarecrow from The Wizard of Oz and had a voice like a sports announcer. He got a fellow student to roll into a ball and act like a keg of beer and another one to pretend the microphone was a beer can. The assembly ended with our cartoon cop saying "We will be on horses, patrolling the event. Please do not hit the horses butt." I'm not sure the 'drinkers' got the message, but it sure was a laugh and a laugh is always worth my time...but that's High School.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

What? Change My Plans?

I've said it before and I'll say it again. Half days are a waste. What is worse than half days?
I decided to show up for a half day and discovered it's a regular schedule full day. I planned to
be home by noon, so I didn't pack my lunch. I planned to be home at noon, so I drove the car. I planned to be home at noon, so I scheduled a hair appointment. I phoned my mom to release me at noon, because this is what I planned. I had to change my plans and stay all day. I finally look forward to a half day and as it turned out I got the dates wrong. High school must be making me crazy. To half day or not to half day. That is the question...but that's High School.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Mount Scholarship

Yeah! Exam week is finally over and college applications are done. Now it's time for the climb up the Mount Scholarships. To begin my ascent I asked our school counselors and administration. Their response was "I don't know. You can log onto and find information." I should have known. Every time we begin climbing a mountain, we must watch out for falling rocks and mud slides. It is up to me to research and apply for scholarships without assistance from my school. I have certainly been mislead in my understanding that high school would help me understand the process for continuing my education. Ive braved the unknown, dodged rocks, charted a course and have begun to climb. So far, my scholarship applications are far less complicated to complete then college applications, but harder to find. I've almost reached mile marker 1 (If I get awarded the scholarship)... but, that's High School.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

What is a day worth?

I have been doing a lot of self study this semester. At the beginning of the year we were given books to take home. As the year has progressed, there have been only a few assignments required. The teachers lectured for the first four weeks and then stopped. I guess they got tired, or ran out of things to say. The remaining fourteen weeks, a teacher will stick his head in the class long enough to take attendance and then 'pop' their gone again. I have learned plenty of socialization skills and became quite educated in movies and music. CRAM TIME! Major crunch. This week is finals. I feel I have had to learn an entire semester of material on my own in order to pass the district exams. The questions on the exams seem to be related to the text books, which I'm thankful I read. However, if on the first day of school they just gave us our books and told us to go home and read them. We could return the week of finals and take our exams. What is a day worth to you?...but that's High School.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Brain Dead Week = A

It's been known throughout the years that the week before exams is 'dead week'. I would like to change the name to 'brain dead week' for my 1st thru 7th period class. Watching movies and socializing is apparently taking the place of reviewing for exams. Teachers tell us reviewing is to be done at home. I would prefer a quiet environment, teacher assistance and no movies. My classmates seem to disagree. As you all know, I've been known to stay home and accomplish more on these 'brain dead' days. I suppose my classmates have bets on whether they'll see me the rest of this week or not. The math class is reviewing for our exam, but it's 8th period. The last class of the day. I get up at a ridiculous hour, spend 7 hours a day of my life, watching movies and talking so I can have 1 hour of review in my math class. An 'A' will be worth the sacrifice...but that's High School.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Hey!.. Where's my BREAK?

Happy New Year! How was your 'break'? Relaxing, joyful, fun, inspiring? My Christmas break was plagued by studying for exams. While my family enjoyed all the trimmings of a holiday, I was stuck with my nose in books reviewing for end-of-semester exams which are scheduled for next week. This is the first year exams have followed Christmas. I hope it's the last. There's something much more magical about Christmas when the semester is complete prior to the holiday. Studying for exams was not the only thing that took the shine off the Christmas star. With my senior year being a transition year between high school and college, I had scholarship applications to fill out and essays to write. I even had to visit the doctor for a tuberculosis test (required for college admittance)... As I headed back to school today at 6:30 am, dark and freezing, I arrived at my high school and soon discovered the heating system was not working. I returned home at 4:30 pm with a cold nose, sore throat, blue fingers and toes and opened the door to hear my mom say "Is that you? Will you please unload the dishwasher? I have an errand to run" I think I'll take a break and drink a hot cup of cocoa...but that's High School.