Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Reputation on Fire

Have you ever been singled out in class and wrongly accused in front of EVERYONE! 60 eyes stare at you like a scared mouse surrounded by 100 hungry cats. Sometimes well meaning teachers make mistakes and sometimes students are right. Why, is it that if someone is wronged publicly the apology follows quietly when no one is around. This is shaping up to be a year of reputation preservation. There have been many fire's to put out recently in order to protect my reputation...but that's High School.

Monday, October 26, 2009

SAT/ACT Times Up!

Our schools ask us to begin taking the SAT/ACT during our junior year in High School. Some students take it before their junior year, but for the most part students take these tests during their junior year. For those of us which would like higher scores, we continue taking the test through October of our senior year. With the colleges November deadlines for 2010 enrollment most seniors have already compiled their transcripts, college applications and the SAT/ACT scores. Today, the last week in October, our English class is signing us up for the SAT online class. We are to complete 5 assignments per week. This on-line training is suppose to take us through May. Sounds 'to little to late' to me. Seniors wishing to attend colleges will be receiving acceptance letters by January. Many of my friends have already received acceptance letters to one or more colleges. If seniors wait until the end of this SAT class in May, they will miss the deadlines for the 2010/2011 year, not to mention any scholarship money that's available. What's the logic behind this class? Many of my classes this year are turning into time-fillers until graduation. Also, if it's on-line why attend class and why have a teacher? Crazy! I signed up for a Senior English class and this is what I get...but that's High School.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Are we a School or a Prison?

During 7th period we had a guest speaker that kept us 3 min after the bell. You wouldn't think this would mean the end of the world, but in my case it did. Having arrived at my 8th period class, with my hand on the door knob as the bell was ringing, my teacher was greeting me into his class and willing to let me in, but the Hall Guard (or Prison Guard) saw an opportunity to capture a student. He yelled "Get to the cafeteria". My teacher vouched for me, but it was in vain. With the hall guards two large arms, he reached over and blocked entrance to my class. "Get to the cafeteria" he said firmly, again. I learned today that hall monitors have greater authority then our teachers. Wow! Once I arrived in the cafeteria I was asked to be quiet as they called the other captives up one at a time. We were instructed to sign our names and a tardy would be submitted on our school record. In our school one tardy equals detention. I told myself "I am not serving detention for being held after class for a guest speaker I didn't even know we were going to have" Come on! This is ridiculous. Not to mention the tardy which would be on my permanent record. As I approached the table I was so mad, I thought of a way to out wit the system. Shh. I'll tell you only if you keep it on the DL. I wrote a name which was not my own and included a school ID number that was random. Thank goodness the staff did not recognize me. They handed me a pass to re-join my class and with 10 min. left I walked in and caught the last of a review. Isn't the goal to get kids to go to class? I want to know how to file a complaint against a school that takes away class time for unwarranted discipline. Do I have any rights as a citizen or is this a prison? ...But that's High School or is it? Who knows?

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

If Madam Librarian Burns Down the Library, We're Prepared

Fire drill on a half day of school? I don't understand our twice a month, middle of the week half days. I know teachers need planning time, but our teachers aren't to keen on these half days either. Holding a fire drill on a half day makes me feel like we were called out of bed at 4:30am to come down to the school only to participate in a fire drill. If I'm going to get up early in the morning I do not want it to be for a fire drill. Here's a solution: How about holding half a fire drill and giving us one Friday off each month....No sight of Madam Librarian. The library has been closed due to state testing. I won't even waste my time talking about the crazy reasons why the library closes. Well, at least not today. All those wonderful books and no ones able to read them...But that's High School

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Baa, Baa, Black Sheep

I say yellow. They say yellow. The teacher says blue. They say blue. The teacher says red. They say red. This discribes the frame work for the conversations which have occured for the Fall Reading. For the past 3 months our class has been trying to come up with a theme. An idea is presented and agreed upon until our teacher inserts her idea and then everyone adopts her opinion. Over and over, round and round it goes. I've asked myself many times if schools are a holding pen for sheep. As children our schools tell us what to read, how to read it, when to play, when to sing, when to eat and how to think. Is it any wonder why we are unsure about the idea of thinking for ourselves? I don't know. Go ask the teacher....but that's High School.

Friday, October 16, 2009

16 Girls, Nothing to Wear

16 Students, all GIRLS!...This describes my first period class. We're responsible for planning the Senior Spring Reading. We have had conflicting ideas on posters, props and theme since this project began months ago. Nothing has brought more contention among us than clothing. No matter what is suggested, there is someone who says "I don't look good in that color, dress, jeans, shirt, too short, too tall, too thin". You name it. It's a fashion nightmare. Wish us luck in getting this one resolved. I don't know how to get 16 girls to agree on what to wear...but that's High School.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

A+ Schools on the Down Low

Everyone in high school knows what goes on in the dark quiet places around the buildings, but we keep it on the D.L. Except for today. Some seniors boldly went where no senior had gone before. We were visited by our Student Body President and asked to talk about what would make us a better school. Over the years, seniors have offered the canned responses such as, more lunch choices, off-campus lunch, leave early, front place in the lunch line and stuff like that. All very good ideas, but nothing really changes from year to year and we get fed up with the same questions and answers. Today, the course of student surveys has changed. One student stood up proudly and requested a smoking zone, so the bathrooms can remain open. Another student followed-up with requesting a safe sex room which provides free condoms. He sighted this as supporting the prevention of teen pregnancy campaigned by all schools. And this one is interesting to, how about an excused absence to get high. This is the dark side of high school no one really addresses. The students know what's going on. But administration, well they just want their school to appear A+. Is anyone listening? We have real problems that need real answers...But that's High School.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Pot Talk

We seem to sterio-type potheads. This may explain why:

I sat in the back of my classroom and was approached by a guy who said, "Whoooaaa, you look like my 60 year old Aunt, only she has wrinkles." "Whoooaaa do you have wrinkles?" My classmate laughed "She doesn't have wrinkles." I told him I'd let that remark slide and blame it on the drugs. His reply "What? You can tell? Man your smart."...but that's High School.

Where are you Madam Librarian? Are you taking the PSAT?

PSAT day means seniors sit in assembly for 4 hours and do absolutely NOTHING! Some classmates had enough guts to get up and rap about doing absolutely nothing. Our attendance was mandatory if we wanted information about our graduation. 10 minutes before the end of 'nothing' a spokesperson came in, told us it is going to cost $400.00 and boy what a deal this is. Uh, aren't we saving for college?....Disappointed with Madam Librarian again. The school counselor and I headed upstairs to the "Castle of Books" for our scheduled meeting. We were approached by her 'stooge' and told she had gone to lunch and wasn't sure about her return. What? Are you kidding me? My counselor and the school psychologist were not happy about the unknown cancellation Madam Librarian made. I simply thought to myself, "Has she disappeared for good or she preparing to bomb the library (as I was accused)". Three weeks we have had an appointment to resolve this library pass situation and this is the second time Madam Librarian was a no show... Are there no consequences for staff? We all know we'd be place on probation or expelled for pulling the same stunt...but that's High School.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Buckle Up...It's The Law

The law states that every passenger in a moving vehicle must wear safety belts. If you or your passengers are without safety belts, you will be issued a ticket for each passenger as well as yourself. Our bus has safety belt. Are they used? No. Even if we wanted to wear them, the buses are so stuffed with students the belts wouldn't work. There are 2 belts per seat but 3 students sitting in each seat. As of today, I have never heard of a school bus being pulled over and issued a citation for not using safety belts...But that's High School.

Monday, October 12, 2009

100% Perception

Have you ever notice how the world suddenly seems brighter when you get a big 100% on a test?.... The school day started with heartbreak as we read elegies in Creative Writing class. (An elegy is a personal poem about death). This was followed by the same routine in my other classes and ended with eighth period Algebra 2 and a great big 100% test. This changed my perspective on the previous events of the day. Even the annoying quirks seems to disappear... Nothing is better then when your mom asks "How was your day?" and you reply "It was the best day ever!" I have to ask myself, is it just perception, or was this a great day?"...But that's high school.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Cramming for Procrastination

Cram session!... Up 'til 2am trying to learn all I must know for a surprise test we found out we would be taking today. With all the college apps and job searching, there isn't much time left for a midnight cram session. I believe this quote should apply to teachers "Procrastination on your part does not constitute a crisis on mine"... 16 question review sheet, due today along with taking the test today, given to me at the end of the day yesterday. I completed the review sheet around 12:30am and recruited the assistance of my parents to quiz me until 2am. How I enlisted their help, I don't know. Our teachers tell us endless times to finish the review sheet early and study, study, study everyday. How is this possible when it's handed to us less than 24 hours in advance of the test? Hmm! Is this a contradiction? I arrived in class at the end of the day with circles under my eyes and feeling brain dead. All the facts in my head were scrambled and the typed questions were a blur. "How did you do on your test?" my mother asked. The challenge to succeed in an environment set-up for failure is difficult...but that's High School.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Library or Soap Opera

The library saga continues.... or does it? Last week our school counselor scheduled a meeting for this matter to be resolved. The meeting would have 'Madam Librarian', the school counselor, the principal and me in attendance. Today was that day. I have been looking forward to this duel and was prepared. (for those of you who don't know, even after Princess Ash received her magic card, the fire-breathing Madam Librarian had an evil plan afloat. She wrote all the towns people in the land a note which read "Princess Ash is an evil sorceress and was not to be trusted)
You ask why? The only explanation I have is Madam Librarian must fear Princess Ash will take over the Castle of Books. I found a great ally in my counselor. She knows me well and agreed to join me in this battle. My day ended silently. I was never called into this meeting and I have not seen Madam Librarian. So what happens now? I couldn't say. I suppose when Madam Librarian comes out of hiding, I'll be ready for her. Until then I have found a place of respite to read. I like to call it my "Poetry Forest", with a little imagination...but that's High School.

Monday, October 5, 2009

What A Waste

Wasted time (and money)...Friday was a day our class had looked forward to for sometime. We were to take a field trip to a local University and participate in writing workshops. Wow, there were so many workshops to choose from. More than I could possibly fit into my day. I made my selection weeks ago and paid my $20.00 fee which included the bus ride, lunch and workshops. When we arrived we met for an orientation and then we were dismissed to attend our workshops. When I arrived at my 1st choice I was told to find another workshop due to the fact that the instructor was not coming today. 2nd choice, instructor not coming today. Ok, this is weird. 3rd choice, you guessed it, instructor not coming today. I headed to the cafeteria, got my lunch and called my mom to pick me up. I was looking forward to a field trip. In high school, field trips don't come around very much. What a waste of time and money...Today, my 4th period class was a waste of time. My teacher was angry on arrival. She does not display the loud anger rather the soft spoken kind. You know the kind, where you know if you don't catch what she's saying it's going to come back to bite you. She whispered "We're going to begin class". The class fell deafly silent (we all know the fall-out if we don't...pop quiz). She stared at us for 7 minutes. We sat, with silent glares, wondering what was going on. The silence was too much and a few classmates broke out into conversation. She still stared and didn't say anything so we all began to talk. Not more than 30 seconds went by and our teacher got up, went to the board and wrote down a problem. It was at this point that her soft spoken angry voice yelled "I will not be lecturing today. You will work from the work book". This means we will be spending the class time doing busy work. She then went on to say "I'm done with you guys wasting my time". Wasting her time? We watched the clock in silence for 7 minutes while she stared like a deer in headlights. I'm sure she must have her reasons, but I sure couldn't find fault with the students today...But that's High School.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

School is a Crazy World

Ridiculous events take place every day in our schools. I challenge everyone to take notice and let me know what you discover about your high school...Inconsistency. I'm sure we've all been accused of this at one point in our lives so I'll forgive my teacher for her. However, I will tell you about it. Sometime back my teacher was upset with my parents involvement in my education. Today, she was upset by the lack of parents being involved in education. One classmate reminded her "not everyone has parents at home that can help!" I believe most students desire to succeed academically but many have a lot of stuff do deal with in this crazy world...but that's High School.