Monday, October 26, 2009

SAT/ACT Times Up!

Our schools ask us to begin taking the SAT/ACT during our junior year in High School. Some students take it before their junior year, but for the most part students take these tests during their junior year. For those of us which would like higher scores, we continue taking the test through October of our senior year. With the colleges November deadlines for 2010 enrollment most seniors have already compiled their transcripts, college applications and the SAT/ACT scores. Today, the last week in October, our English class is signing us up for the SAT online class. We are to complete 5 assignments per week. This on-line training is suppose to take us through May. Sounds 'to little to late' to me. Seniors wishing to attend colleges will be receiving acceptance letters by January. Many of my friends have already received acceptance letters to one or more colleges. If seniors wait until the end of this SAT class in May, they will miss the deadlines for the 2010/2011 year, not to mention any scholarship money that's available. What's the logic behind this class? Many of my classes this year are turning into time-fillers until graduation. Also, if it's on-line why attend class and why have a teacher? Crazy! I signed up for a Senior English class and this is what I get...but that's High School.

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