Monday, November 30, 2009

To Be Happy or Not To Be Happy...That Is The Question

Happy after-Thanksgiving break everyone or not so happy after-Thanksgiving break. After a week off from school, everyones first question is "How was your break?" People respond either good or bad followed by oh, cool or it sucked. This conversation repeated itself throughout the day and has been a tradition for many years among high schoolers. Students and teachers must be having some tough year this year, I heard 90% bad. Was everyones holiday really that bad or is everyone just disappointed about being back in school?...but that's High School.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Grammatically, Mathematically Correct

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! My fans have missed me for a few days...I'm learning a break from school does not mean a break from blogging. I agree. I am a senior in high school even during the holidays. 5 months, 9 days and 14 hours later I finally finished my on-line algebra class for grade recovery and I'm happy to report I will be receiving an A. I must admit it would have been much better to have done it right the first time, not because it was harder the second time around but because the on-line math class seemed to focus more on grammar and spelling. The exam had 23 questions. The first 22 questions were a cinch but the dreaded question 23, worth half of my grade, required me to write a three paragraph essay explaining what I learned throughout the lessons. "THIs IS a MATH CLASS. I LeaRNed MaTH!!!" "How about the reasons I don't like math, I could write about that." I took a deep breath and began writing a well written, grammatically correct essay about math. Perhaps I can use this essay in my English class...but that's High School.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

High School Rock in the Middle of the College Stream

I've read only 50% of seniors go to college from high school. Have you ever wondered why? I don't believe their lazy or unintelligent. I do believe it may have something to do with high school. Recently, I have been driving over-time to get the necessary information from my high school in order to apply for acceptance into college. High school is like a giant rock in the stream of higher education. I can't move it, or go around it. The rock doesn't provide direction. It just sits there...I met with my teachers and counselor months ago in order to make sure I had everything ready to submit for early enrollment into college. Everything is ready to go except my high school transcript. Piece-of-cake, I thought. It's as simple as pressing the print button. (I know this because I have requested my transcript a time or two before. It was printed on the spot.) Now that it's for a college application my counselor must write a letter of recommendation to the college transcript liaison in our school (office located next door to my counselor's) letting her know he approved the printing of my transcript and I must also pay $5.oo. Oh, and this apparently takes 3 - 6 weeks. The deadlines for most early admission into college is December 1st. This policy is not in the student handbook and has never been mentioned in any of my meetings with school advisers. When I asked where I was suppose to find this information, the administrator replied "You're old enough to do the research." Ok, my research told me what the college's need for enrollment not what the high school requires in order to get the necessary documentation from the high school...School translation, "We not only don't care if you succeed in life, but we're going to make it difficult to succeed and possibly prevent it." How about a class on Silly Paper Work required for seniors to get the information from their counselors. My advice to seniors, It may be too late to get the necessary paperwork for early enrollment, but start now if you plan to apply at all. It could take 6 - 9 months and counting...but that's High School.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Take Away My 'A' ? Hey!

Last week, I spent a large amount of time studying for a test which was to be given on Friday. When Friday rolled around I was more then ready for this test. So prepared, in fact, I was the only one in class to receive an A. Turns out this A is not going to count. My classmates received a C or lower, so my teacher scratched the test and decided to have us take a home exam instead. I pleaded strongly to let my test grade count, but he said it wouldn't be fair to the other students. Is it fair to require my time be spent studying for a test which will not count? What a rip off! ...but that's High School.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Calling: Sherlock Holmes and Case of The Missing Phone

My friends and I spotted a cell phone sitting on an empty desk. We decided to leave it there until the teacher came in or the student returned for it. A new girl to our school walked in and sat at the empty desk. We were too involved in a conversation to notice the new girl had left the room and the cell phone seemed to disappear as well. The owner of the missing phone came in and looked under the desk, in the desk and everywhere else you can imagine, but no phone. We mentioned seeing it, but this was little comfort to her. Then the new girl came back from the 'bathroom'. Our teacher knew of the missing cell phone and made it clear if the cell phone was not returned, he would ask a cop to go through all our bags. "No questions asked if it's handed over". He said. As we began to glance around at each other, most of us shrugged our shoulders and said OK. But wouldn't you know it, with 2 minutes left in class, the new girl said "I found it!" She didn't say where or how she found it, but I have my suspicions...But that's High School.

Monday, November 9, 2009

The Show Must Go On!

If there's one thing I've learned from organizing the Fall Reading it's this; We don't work well together. After many disagreements regarding what to wear, stage props, programs, posters, etc. we needed to have the teacher intervene. I will be announcing the introductions and inviting the audience to enjoy the 'Senior (Teacher, really) Fall Reading'. Break-a-leg. The show must go on...but that's High School.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Take It, It's Free...or is it

Take it it's free! If you come to our cafeteria don't believe it. Last year (yes this problem dates all the way back to junior year) I waited in line to buy a bag of 50 cent chips. When I finally got to the front of the line all that was left were chicken nuggets. The lunch lady asked me if I wanted them instead of the bag of chips. I asked how much and she said $1.00. "I only brought 50 cents." I said. She told me not to worry about it, but keep this between us. She didn't even take my 50 cents. "Keep it, the nuggets are free" She said. I thought "Oh, cool. Jack pot." I've heard the saying 'If it's too good to be true, it probably is'. I should have known nothing could be that easy. I was the last student in line that day and the lunch crew had closed the front enterance. I was told to go out the back way. This may sound odd, but I'm telling you right now, I DID NOT STEAL THE CHICKEN NUGGETS! THEY WERE HANDED TO ME 'FOR FREE'. The cafeteria manager questioned me as I exited the back of the cafeteria and she didn't believe me. I explained my situation, but she would not let me leave until I payed a dollar (a dollar I didn't have). Before this situation could be resolved the bell rang and I was one min. away from being late to class (a tardy = detention) and I knew for a fact this lady would not be willing to write me a pass. I left her my real name and expected her to ask the lunch attendant about this 'free deal'. The next day I was called into the principals office. I was told I was to serve detention for stealing chicken nuggets. I explained to him the situation and after he talked to the lunch lady he told me not to worry about it. The situation had been taken care of...In September of this year, I went to the cafeteria to purchase water. I was told I had an outstanding balance of $1.00 which would need to be paid before I could purchase a water. My parents were notified and spoke with the lunch manager. The lunch computer does not allow modifications to erase unpaid debt. My parents decided to not fight this battle and just paid the $1.00. Today, I received a notice to go to the front office for unpaid debt. YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!. I was greeted by another unknown administrator (how many administrators do we have here?) I was told I am on the detention list for stealing chicken nuggets. Again, I explained my situation and again the administrator talked with the lunch manager and again I was told it has been taken care of. I wonder if I'll get called down again. Maybe next time they'll call in the police, army, FBI or KFC. The cost for free nuggets: 1 trip to the principals office, 3 trips to administration, 2 trips to the lunch manager, $1.00, and a day without bottled water. The cost to my attitude: Priceless...but that's High School.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Teacher's T.V.

Ever wonder what teachers do after school when no one is around? I discovered their secret or at least my English teacher's secret. She had asked me to stop by after school and get some make up work. I expected to find her correcting papers or preparing for next days class. When I entered the classroom the T.V. was on and she said "Oh, good. You came in on a commercial. My favorite soap opera is on" if there isn't enough drama in high school already...but that's High School.

Monday, November 2, 2009

The Final Chapter - Madam Librarian

Hey all, sorry about the delay. Major computer problems.... During the short blog pause I met with Madam Librarian. I believe this may be the final chapter...Princess Ash was handed a magic card and allowed access to the Castle of Many Books, but not without a few last words from the Fire Breathing Madam Librarian. I called upon my faithful Lady in Waiting (the school psychologist) and together Princess Ash went to face Madam Librarian. Madam Librarian tried desperately to blame those around her for her scheduling difficulties and then drew her sword of blame toward Princess Ash. "I understand you were upset and lost your temper." "I must have been the stick that broke the [princess'] camels back." "Oh, you probably don't understand that meaning." "I hope we can be friends." "I'll forget this ever happened." She said. My Lady in Waiting just shook her head and Princess Ash was at a loss of words. (Of course, now I have many words which come to mind.) But in the end the Fire Breathing Madam Librarian shriveled into a tiny lizard and scurried away as she offered her ridiculous so-called apology. Princess Ash maintained her composure and accepted her apology with a laugh. This is our final battle. I hope...but that's High School.